Bobath therapy

Bobath therapy is an effective holistic approach to the rehabilitation treatment of patients with CNS lesions.

This method has proven its effectiveness in rehabilitation programs for children and adolescents diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Neurodynamic rehabilitation according to Bobath is effective regardless of severity, age and the presence of concomitant diseases. It is practiced by rehabilitation therapists around the world.

The maximum results are obtained by treatment started before 6 months of age!

The key idea of ​​therapy is that mind and body should work in close relationship. Therefore, treatment focuses not on one separate part, but on the body as a whole.

The main goal of the method is to form such skills that will help the child to better express his needs, to be able to find a way out of various everyday situations, based on the motor experience gained in the process of training with a specialist. In our Center, with the help of Bobath therapy, we not only help children develop and master controlled conscious movements, but also strive to make them more active in ordinary life situations.

Bobath therapy is as unique as every child is. The main task that this technique helps to solve is to multiply the range of available movements of your child and change the pathological postures that have become familiar.

Usually, the set of postures and movements of a child with cerebral palsy is very limited. Our Bobath therapists are trying to expand it, make it more diverse and of high quality. This helps children to master the world around them, adapt to it more easily, construct new movements on their own, and enrich their daily repertoire of skills.

  • Goals of Bobath Therapy
  • Change the pathological tone;
  • Make fixed structures moveable;
  • Activate dormant muscle groups and reflexes;
  • Strengthen the weak muscles of the body;
  • Improve the quality of postures and movements;
  • Increase the activity and independence of the patient;
  • Teach him to cope with feasible tasks;
  • To develop the sensitivity and ability of the child to perceive the world.

How Bobath therapists work with a child

The fact that the diagnosis of cerebral palsy is a long-term one is always taken into account by Bobath therapists when building a multi-stage rehabilitation program. The basis is the training of parents and accompanying them for the necessary time. The technique itself is well combined with other types of therapy used in the treatment of cerebral palsy, STMR, so an integrated approach gives noticeable results.

In Bobath therapy classes, our specialist:

Analyze the movements and postures that your child uses in everyday life.
Set goals for the near future and for the future, talk in detail about the tasks and ways to solve them.
Helps you learn effective ways to help your baby.
You can start Bobath therapy at any age, but experts agree that the sooner you seek help, the better. The maximum result is given by treatment started before 3 months of age. It is at this time that sensory information begins to accumulate.

Basic principles of Bobath therapy

Classes are held in a playful way, which allows you to establish good contact with a small patient. A trusting relationship with the therapist plays a key role here.
Treatment should not cause physical and emotional discomfort in children. Bobath therapy is painless, all movements are smooth.
The therapist never pushes the child and gives him time to adapt to new loads. He realistically assesses the capabilities of his patient and achieves the result in stages.
A comprehensive individual approach involves a variety of exercises focused on the comprehensive development of the patient.
A close-knit team of parents and specialists should work with the child. Only collective consistent work will help to involve all areas of development of the nervous system and motor skills.
It is very important to systematically conduct medical examinations of the patient in order to adjust the treatment program in time.
We advise parents to be patient, apply elements of Bobath therapy regularly and with maximum attention to the child. Today, the success of this technique inspires families with children suffering from cerebral palsy and other disorders of the central nervous system and motor skills. These kids have real chances for a fulfilling life, and we are ready to work with you to increase these chances.